by Kim Fraser
21 December 2019
21st Dec 2019 Today is the winter solstice, mid-winter and the longest night of the year. Tomorrow the days will begin to lengthen and eventually get warmer. It seems like the perfect time for a spot of reflection, given that nine months ago we opened the doors to welcome our very first guests. Getting ready was filled with a never ending list of tasks. It was exhausting, yet exhilarating as we got closer to completion. Like an embryo Hobbit Hideaway has grown and changed from the promise of something special to an enchanting place that can make you smile as you enter. There is definitely something very unique about staying in a natural home. Whether it's the simplicity and beauty of the natural materials that surround you, the close connection to nature that it evokes, or the positively healthy environment that it creates, the feeling simply needs to be experienced. Photos, no matter how awesome, just don’t do it justice. We hear these words repeatedly from our lovely guests so it must be true! In nine months we have welcomed 239 adults, 96 children and 29 dogs. 68% from the UK, 20% from Europe and 9% from the US. We have been busy, but what’s most important is that our guests are loving our special place. Many book it as a surprise gift for loved ones, to celebrate special occasions, family holidays or a well needed break from the stress of daily life. The look of delight on faces as they enter is worth every second of toil that went into its creation! We have consistently received 5 star glowing reviews from very satisfied guests and read comments that lift the spirits and brighten our day. In addition we achieved a Gold Standard Award from Green Tourism and won the Best Green Holiday Home at The European Holiday home Awards. I wonder what’s in store for the year ahead!? As 2019 closes, I personally feel a real sense of satisfaction that a longed for dream has become a wonderful reality that is achieving all that was envisioned for it and so much more...